We are excited to release a new version of React Native, 0.69.0. This version comes with several improvements for the New Architecture of React Native and new features: React 18 support & bundled Hermes. Read on to learn more!
39 posts tagged with "announcement"
View All TagsHelping migrate React Native libraries to the New Architecture
tl; dr: We are working on improving the resources supporting the React Native New Architecture. We have already released a repository to help migrate your app (RNNewArchitectureApp) and one for your libraries (RNNewArchitectureLibraries). We are also revamping the New Architecture guide on the Website and we created a GitHub Working Group to answer questions related to the New Architecture.
React Native Accessibility - GAAD 2022 Update
May 19th, 2022 marks the 11th annual celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day and we wanted to update everyone on the accessibility progress we’ve made on the React Native Framework. Meta (formerly Facebook) was the first organization to take the GAAD pledge in 2020, committing to making the React Native framework accessible.
“We hope this pledge makes it easier for developers using React Native to create fully accessible mobile apps and inspires other organizations to make similar commitments to a more accessible future.”
The process initially began with a thorough review and gap analysis of the framework focused on React Native utilized the iOS and Android APIs to support accessibility features. Dozens of issues have since been fixed or closed out, making good on the pledge to make React Native accessible and advancing the accessibility of the framework ever forward.
We didn’t stop there, and in early 2022, we reviewed and prioritized the remaining issues from this gap analysis on the Improved React Native Accessibility Board based on their impact on developers and end users.
Announcing React Native 0.68
Hello everyone! Today we are announcing the 0.68.0 release of React Native, with opt-in to the New React Native Architecture, bug fixes and more.
An update on the New Architecture Rollout
Hi everyone, As previously announced:
2022 is going to be the year of the New Architecture in open source
If you still haven’t had the time to look into the New React Native Architecture (the Fabric Renderer and the TurboModule system), there is no better time to do it than now!
We would like to share with the community some initiatives and material we prepared to make sure everyone is onboard on this endeavor.
React Native - H2 2021 Recap
While we're all still excited for the release of React Native 0.67, we want to take a moment to celebrate what the community achieved in the last half and share what we have on the horizon for the future of React Native.
Announcing React Native 0.67
Happy new year everyone! Today we are announcing the latest release of React Native, 0.67.0, along with some updates on the release process that we have been working on in the past few months.
Toward Hermes being the Default
Since we announced Hermes in 2019, it has been increasingly gaining adoption in the community. The team at Expo, who maintain a popular meta-framework for React Native apps, recently announced experimental support for Hermes after being one of the most requested features of Expo. The team at Realm, a popular mobile database, also recently shipped its alpha support for Hermes. In this post, we want to highlight some of the most exciting progress we've made over the past two years to push Hermes towards being the best JavaScript engine for React Native. Looking forward, we are confident that with these improvements and more to come, we can make Hermes the default JavaScript engine for React Native across all platforms.
Announcing React Native 0.66
Today we’re releasing React Native v0.66 for Android 12 and iOS 15 support alongside fixes and general updates.
React Native's Many Platform Vision
React Native has been very successful at raising the bar for mobile development, both at Facebook and elsewhere in the industry. As we interact with computers in new ways and as new devices are invented, we want React Native to be there for everyone. Although React Native was originally created to build mobile apps, we believe that focusing on many platforms and building to each platform’s strengths and constraints has a symbiotic effect. We have seen huge benefits when we extended this technology to desktop and virtual reality, and we're excited to share what this means for the future of React Native.